[AT] Books

Robinson robinson at svs.net
Mon Mar 29 18:42:37 PST 2004

	We were in the local library this afternoon and I checked 
out 3 of their 5 old tractor books...   :-)   They used to 
have more and maybe they still do. I didn't bother looking 
at the computer, maybe they are all out on loan but I doubt 
it. I like to go buy at library book sales but it just kills 
me to see some of the stuff that should be on the shelves 
being sold.
	I also checked out a reprint of a classic originally 
published in 1917. It is titled "Farm Equipment And How To 
Use It" by Harry C. Ramsower (The Lyons Press). Remember 
that this is 1917 farm equipment and much of it is hand 
tools. It does a great job of covering such things as using 
hay tracks etc. It also covers setting up the farm home with 
lighting and plumbing and farm buildings. It covers tractors 
only very briefly.
	I think almost everybody on this list would find it highly 
entertaining and informative.  A really great book (a little 
over 500 pages). Check your library...
	I was also looking for video tapes on the colonial period 
and the American Revolution. I ended up with "the" tape on 
Plymouth Colony.   :-(   They had Civil War stuff coming out 
of their ears.


Just when I was getting used to yesterday, along came today.

Francis Robinson
Central Indiana USA
robinson at svs.net

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