[AT] The A.T.I.S. list - Thanks Spencer

Cecil E Monson cmonson at hvc.rr.com
Mon Mar 8 08:23:21 PST 2004

> 	It is A.T.I.S. BTW, not atis as a word. Spencer
> officially settled that for us some time back. 

	I'm a natural born lazy person so I don't bother to put all
those dots in between the letters like you "unlazy" people do. I just
type ATIS and let it go at that.

	As to posting to the List, I certainly agree that more people
should post more and post more often. I like to read what others write
even though I am not a nosy person. I have a feeling there are a lot
of good stories out there if we could only get at them. Lots of people
are good around the campfire and some are better at writing. It takes
all kinds but it would be nice to hear from more of you. It doesn't
make a bit of difference if you can spell or have trouble following a
subject. Just give it a try and we will be glad to hear from you.

	I've also met quite a few of the ATIS gang here and there
around the country and like the idea of having friends wherever I go.
I've never seen the time yet when I thought I had too many friends so
hopefully more of you will come to Portland this year. You don't have
to camp there to come sit around the campfire in the evening. Just come
by and say hello. We can always use one more friend.

The nicest thing about telling the truth is you never have to wonder
what you said.

Cecil E Monson
Lucille Hand-Monson
Mountainville, New York   Just a little east of the North Pole

Allis Chalmers tractors and equipment

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