[AT] Grain Binders and nudity....

Terry Welch ksw001 at pensys.com
Tue Mar 2 20:01:00 PST 2004

First off companies are funny that way. They tell you what you can and what you can not
do with something they donate to you. After all they could have just trashed them. That
is the way of big companies. the Wisconsin Historical Society has suffered under budget
cuts as the State tries to trim spending. it costs money to get these things out. The IH
Club has raised funds to help get these pictures out of storage and so they can be put
up on the web site. A local company donated some of its historical papers to a group I
belong to. Its my understanding we can use them to help generate fund for our group. If
not they are to be returned to this company and destroyed. That is what they wanted to
do with them to begin with. But one of our members works there and convinced them not to
do this. As I said earlier big companies are funny that way.
Terry Welch

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