[Steam-engine] pressure calculations

Blake Malkamaki blake at cletrac.org
Wed Jun 30 13:59:41 PDT 2004

Where did you get that safety factor? I think it's too high. My book 
is at work and I'm home sick now, but I remember most older safety 
factors being around 5 or 6 and newer boilers being around 3 or 4.


>at the Pawnee steam school Brian Vaughn shared a
>formula used to calculate the safe working pressure of
>a boiler
>P= (tensile strength)(thickness)(joint
>efficiency)/(shell radius)(safety factor)
>tensile = 55000
>thickness = .3125 (new thickness)
>Joint efficiency = 82% (lap seam)
>radius = 19
>safety factor = 8 (lap seam)
>using this formula I get 92.7 psi.  This is on the
>boiler in new condition.  The boiler on my Huber
>originally carried 125 with a 135 pop.  It seams like
>I need a different formula or to adjust this one.
>What do you think?
>Andy Glines
>Evansville, IN

Blake Malkamaki  - Girard Township, Pennsylvania
Cletrac crawler tractors - Rumely steam engine - NRA Endowment Member
Oil well historian http://petroleumhistory.com - Licensed Steam Engineer
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