[AT] Re: Cummins Industrial Tools?

Mike Sloane msloane at att.net
Thu Jun 10 02:31:17 PDT 2004

Bob Brooks wrote:
> Mike;
> I have one like that that I've used for quite a few years.  Mine has a 
> mount that lets it attach to a 2" ball on your trailer hitch.  It works 
> pretty well, except mine does not have power out, you have to disengage 
> the clutch and pull the cable back out, or use that hand  crank.
> I think I paid about $60.00 for it a Wal Mart on Clearance, it was an 
> open box item and missing a couple of things.
After I sent the attached message, I checked my paper mail, and there 
was a flyer from Harbor Freight with the same winch advertised for 
$39.95. That might be almost worth it, since I wouldn't have to pay for 
S&H nor NJ 6% sales tax. The only problem would be that, by the time the 
winch arrives from HB, the ground will have dried out and I can drive 
the tractor from the marsh without any help. :-)
> This winter I bought a small 2,000 pull winch off Ebay that has power in 
> and out and I like that one much better, but it has to be bolted down, 
> it doesn't have the handy ball adapter.  It was going to be used in 
> place of the hydraulics on Elmo to replace the non working hydraulics.
> The Wal Mart one winched a dead 67 Plymouth Fury convert on to the car 
> trailer, with 2 wheels that refused to turn.  So they have quite a bit 
> of power.  The only other problem is that the cable is fairly short, 25 
> feet I think so you need to extend it and then pull 25 feet at a time.
All I need in this case is about 10 feet to get my on to more solid 
ground. From what you wrote, it might be worth a try, given that the 560 
isn't dead - I can still get the drive wheels turning (quite nicely, 
thank you); they just don't do anything.


> Bob
> Mike Sloane wrote:
>> A flyer came in the mail today announcing a "one day only sale" at the 
>> local fire company. It is being put on by "Cummins Industrial Tools" 
>> <www.cumminstools.com>. Looking over the 4 page full color flyer, it 
>> would seem that they get their stuff from the same sources as Harbor 
>> Freight and similar importers. I was going to pass, figuring I have 
>> all the cheap Chinese tools I need at the moment, but one thing caught 
>> my eye: they show a "12 volt winch, 2000 lb. Capacity" for $80 
>> ("regular price $99"). 
>> <http://www.cumminstools.com/browse.cfm/4,103.html>
>> Now it seems that I managed to get my Farmall 560D stuck in the edge 
>> of my marsh, and none of my other tractors can get enough of grip a in 
>> the soft wet ground to pull it out. I was wondering if I could attach 
>> this winch to a tractor on high ground or a nearby very large ash tree 
>> nearby and just wind it out. It isn't all that stuck - it is just that 
>> the black much we have for ground around here is like grease when it 
>> is wet. I figure that the same winch could be used to help pull 
>> non-running tractors up on to my trailer and other similar chores. But 
>> I don't feel like spending $80 on something that won't do the job. Has 
>> anyone had any experience with either the Cummins Industrial Tool Co. 
>> or a similar winch? (the sale is 6/15, so I have a little time to 
>> decide.) Is it possible to bargain with these folks when you are there 
>> in person? (Cecil could probably have them down to $10 in no time, but 
>> I am not that good.)
>> Mike

Mike Sloane
Allamuchy NJ
Email: (msloane at att.net)
Website: <http://www.geocities.com/mikesloane>
Tractor images: <www.fotki.com/mikesloane>
Work: none - retired

It is surprising what a man can do when he has to, and how little most men
will do when they don't have to. -Walter Linn

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