[AT] Cummins Industrial Tools?

Jim and Lyn Evans jevans at evanstoys.com
Wed Jun 9 17:34:08 PDT 2004

If you must buy one get it from Harbor Freight or weight until the Homier
guys come to your area.  Same crap, but lower price than Cummins.   The
rating on the winch is 6000 lb rolling load.   That would be on level
concrete with fully inflated tires.    It probably wouldn't pull a 560 up to
the trailer, much less up ramps.   Save your money and buy a good, high
quality (expensive) come-a-long.   You will be able to pull much more stuff
and no batteries are needed. 


-----Original Message-----
From: at-bounces at lists.antique-tractor.com
[mailto:at-bounces at lists.antique-tractor.com] On Behalf Of Mike Sloane
Sent: Wednesday, June 09, 2004 12:03 PM
To: Antique tractor
Subject: [AT] Cummins Industrial Tools?

A flyer came in the mail today announcing a "one day only sale" at the local
fire company. It is being put on by "Cummins Industrial Tools" 
<www.cumminstools.com>. Looking over the 4 page full color flyer, it would
seem that they get their stuff from the same sources as Harbor Freight and
similar importers. I was going to pass, figuring I have all the cheap
Chinese tools I need at the moment, but one thing caught my
eye: they show a "12 volt winch, 2000 lb. Capacity" for $80 ("regular price
$99"). <http://www.cumminstools.com/browse.cfm/4,103.html>

Now it seems that I managed to get my Farmall 560D stuck in the edge of my
marsh, and none of my other tractors can get enough of grip a in the soft
wet ground to pull it out. I was wondering if I could attach this winch to a
tractor on high ground or a nearby very large ash tree nearby and just wind
it out. It isn't all that stuck - it is just that the black much we have for
ground around here is like grease when it is wet. 
I figure that the same winch could be used to help pull non-running tractors
up on to my trailer and other similar chores. But I don't feel like spending
$80 on something that won't do the job. Has anyone had any experience with
either the Cummins Industrial Tool Co. or a similar winch? (the sale is
6/15, so I have a little time to decide.) Is it possible to bargain with
these folks when you are there in person? 
(Cecil could probably have them down to $10 in no time, but I am not that

Mike Sloane
Allamuchy NJ
Email: (msloane at att.net)
Website: <http://www.geocities.com/mikesloane>
Tractor images: <www.fotki.com/mikesloane>
Work: none - Retired!

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