[AT] Cummins Industrial Tools?

Mike Sloane msloane at att.net
Wed Jun 9 13:43:56 PDT 2004

Cecil wrote:

 >    I told Mike to get a bale of hay or straw and feed it under
 > the rear wheels. I've been involved with getting stuck tractors out
 > after someone spun the wheels and it is a tough job. As to that
 > winch, I have several winches - one is around 4K# and the other is
 > maybe 2K#. Neither one of them would pull that 560 out of the muck.
OK. It looks like the $80 Chinese winch is not a good solution, and I 
have a feeling that straw would just get mushed up with the other grass 
and weeds that the tires churned up.
 >     There is a possibility with the winch you saw advertised,
 > Mike. If you get enough steel cable with it, and you have several
 > sheaves, you could increase the pulling power with them. By using
 > two or three pulleys you can increase the winch's power to the point
 > you can break the steel cable that comes with it. You will still
 > need someone on the tractor.
I have a feeling that the 30' of cable that comes with the winch 
wouldn't be very helpful, and a couple of decent quality snatch blocks 
would probably cost more than the winch. :-)
 >    Maybe that guy with the stone business up at the end of your
 > road will let someone come down with a backhoe and pull you out. ????
He has a Cat hydraulic excavator that might do the job, but asking him 
for favors is a little tricky. I'd rather not. But you reminded me that 
another neighbor has a Ford 5500 backhoe/loader that I am sure he would 
loan me (I clear his driveway every time it snows). It's an old clunker, 
but it works well enough so that I could use the dipper arm as a winch. 
The only trick would be finding a place to put the stabilizers down 
where they wouldn't sink in. :-) I have a couple hundred feet of chain, 
so I should be able to find a spot...
 > Cecil

Steve W. wrote:

> Cummins is basically a mobile version of Harbor Freight, BUT they sell
> some REALLY BAD JUNK also. They set up locally here about 10-15 times a
> year, at the VFW, Elks,Fire Depts. They set up a couple tables with
> samples and you go around with a list and write down what you want, then
> wander over to the tractor trailer and give them your list. They bring
> out the items in boxes from,China/Taiwan/Japan/India and you load up and
> go home. Check over any item you but VERY close. I don't even bother
> going to the sales anymore. Stuff was just junk to me.
I had a feeling that would be the case, and I am glad that I asked. And 
I am even gladder to have helpful replies. You guys probably saved me 
$80 today! I think I will save up my money for a REAL winch some day. :-)

> Steve Williams
> Near Cooperstown NY
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Mike Sloane" <msloane at att.net>
> To: "Antique tractor" <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, June 09, 2004 1:02 PM
> Subject: [AT] Cummins Industrial Tools?
>>A flyer came in the mail today announcing a "one day only sale" at the
>>local fire company. It is being put on by "Cummins Industrial Tools"
>><www.cumminstools.com>. Looking over the 4 page full color flyer, it
>>would seem that they get their stuff from the same sources as Harbor
>>Freight and similar importers. I was going to pass, figuring I have
> all
>>the cheap Chinese tools I need at the moment, but one thing caught my
>>eye: they show a "12 volt winch, 2000 lb. Capacity" for $80 ("regular
>>price $99"). <http://www.cumminstools.com/browse.cfm/4,103.html>
>>Now it seems that I managed to get my Farmall 560D stuck in the edge
> of
>>my marsh, and none of my other tractors can get enough of grip a in
> the
>>soft wet ground to pull it out. I was wondering if I could attach this
>>winch to a tractor on high ground or a nearby very large ash tree
> nearby
>>and just wind it out. It isn't all that stuck - it is just that the
>>black much we have for ground around here is like grease when it is
> wet.
>>I figure that the same winch could be used to help pull non-running
>>tractors up on to my trailer and other similar chores. But I don't
> feel
>>like spending $80 on something that won't do the job. Has anyone had
> any
>>experience with either the Cummins Industrial Tool Co. or a similar
>>winch? (the sale is 6/15, so I have a little time to decide.) Is it
>>possible to bargain with these folks when you are there in person?
>>(Cecil could probably have them down to $10 in no time, but I am not
>>that good.)
>>Mike Sloane
>>Allamuchy NJ
>>Email: (msloane at att.net)
>>Website: <http://www.geocities.com/mikesloane>
>>Tractor images: <www.fotki.com/mikesloane>
>>Work: none - Retired!
>>AT mailing list
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Mike Sloane
Allamuchy NJ
Email: (msloane at att.net)
Website: <http://www.geocities.com/mikesloane>
Tractor images: <www.fotki.com/mikesloane>
Work: none - Retired!

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