[AT] Reagan Remembered (by Patti Davis) Off topic but greatreading
Mark Greer
greerfam at raex.com
Tue Jun 8 06:38:24 PDT 2004
Thanks for saying that Walt. That's the American way! As an American, if you
can dream of something you want then you can go make it happen and you don't
have to wait on anyone to give do it for you. Congrats on being bold enough
to figure a way to be able to retire at 50 and then making it happen. The
Patti Davis tribute was pretty neat to read.
----- Original Message -----
From: <DAVIESW739 at aol.com>
To: <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 1:11 AM
Subject: Re: [AT] Reagan Remembered (by Patti Davis) Off topic but
> Frank i lived under Reagan to and I retired at age 50 and 4 days if you
> to retire early then don't depend on someone else to do it for you take
> bull by the horns get out there work for it.
> OH he cheated me out my SS to since I am a US Cic.ser. retiree I don't
> any SS
> OH! well i did draw it under FDR for 15 years so i can't complain to much.
> We all have our pros and cons on some one and we should keep them to
> ourselves sometimes.
> Anyway the letter from Patti Davis really struck apoint with me i was in
> tears thinking about my own life with an elderly wife 13 years my senior
> what could happen to me at anytime now.
> Walt Davies
> Cooper Hollow Farm
> Monmouth, OR 97361
> 503 623-0460
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