Robinson robinson at svs.net
Wed Jun 16 11:42:23 PDT 2004

	Below is a copy of the last posting I made to the board at:

Wow, CUB FEST 2004 is day after tomorrow... I'm sure I will 
be ready by a week from Tuesday...
Glub, glub, glub... It just won't quit raining. Its not 
helping me get ready at all. Not too big a problem otherwise 
as we sit on high ground and even with all of the rain the 
ground is still firm enough to drive on most any place. Also 
they are promising no rain locally at all Friday (fingers 
crossed) and only a "chance" of late evening pop up rains 
"late" Saturday. Sunday is also a "Chance". Note that in 
June in Indiana they always forecast a "chance" just to 
cover their rears.
Most of the little patch of ground I sat aside to putter 
with is also on high ground and with luck we will still be 
able to putter fine on Saturday, maybe even Friday evening.
Again bring lawn chairs if you can, George is bringing some 
chairs with him if you can't. If you have a folding table of 
some kind that might help with the eating. Don't forget to 
bring CUB stuff to share and implements if you like. Note: 
V-8 CUBs weighing over 10,000 pounds will not be allowed in 
the CUB pull.
If anyone has a belt pulley on their CUB I have a buzz saw 
sitting here and we may need to cut a little more fire wood 
(not responsible for lost fingers, hands, arms, toes etc.)
If anyone has a canopy, flea market type tent etc. feel free 
to bring it along and set it up.
Remember, I am just hosting this but it is your CUB FEST and 
will be what we all make it.
I received the following question from someone and below it 
is my answer to him. I just thought I would post it here as 
general information.

 > We are planning to come to your Cubfest, but don't know 
what to expect. Could you please let us know a little more , 
as to the number of people you expect and so on. Thanks,


Sorry to be so slow to respond but I've been very busy.
The scary part is that I don't really know what to expect... 
This only the second CUB FEST that we as a group have had 
and I can't get a handle on how many are coming. I keep 
saying somewhere between 15 and 5,000. I think of this as 
more of a gathering of friends than a tractor show as such. 
What I mean is we are getting together with a bunch of CUBs 
and hope to do some playing with them and some learning 
about them but I have not made it a point to invite the 
local general public. I have approached it maybe a little 
more like a large family reunion than a carnival along the 
highway. I hope this is making sense. The more CUB lovers 
the better (with or without tractors). I just don't feel 
that trying to attract throngs of locals with no real 
interest but just looking for a diversion would add to this 
particular event.
At the first one (held in Ohio) they held some unscheduled 
workshops in the shop and a few minor repairs were made. 
Some members brought some great literature to look through. 
I have sat aside about an acre of ground where the guys can 
maybe drop a plow in the ground. Some may bring disk or 
grader blades. We are going to set up and have a "just for 
fun" CUB pull. I have a sort of a sled and a bunch of 
weights. I have a 2 mile walking trail about the farm and 
for this week-end it will also be a CUB route. I have an 
area picked out for CUB items anyone might bring along to 
sell and some guys do a bit of swapping that they have 
arranged ahead of time. Guest are encouraged to bring along 
anything they might have to share with others like 
literature, pictures (CUB's or grandchildren) or maybe some 
unusual attachment they may have found or built.
At least one meal or maybe more will be a pitch-in dinner. 
Last year things were just sort of decided as we went. 
Sitting around the evening bonfire telling lies is also a 
big part of the fun.
This is a 100 acre working farm that my parents bought most 
of back in 1951. My 82 year old mother still lives here on 
the farm just a few hundred feet north of my house. There is 
absolutely nothing fancy about the farm. It is a very close 
to town farm with a bunch of tired old buildings all 
operated by one very tired old farmer (me) using mostly 
tired old equipment. Warning! I tend to collect a lot of 
what most normal people call junk. As if I don't drag home 
enough stuff we are badly infested with "pack elves" who 
carry "stuff" in at night. The warning is about the 
abundance of rust present. My shop is in an old barn and 
reflects my cluttering habits. I have work benches that I 
have not seen the tops of in years. The shop does have new 
white aluminum siding. Unfortunately it is still all stacked 
in the old loft and not fastened on the sides of the barn yet.
We no longer have any livestock on the farm but chickens and 
a few horses belonging to our 31 year old son's girl friend. 
Our son, Scott, does farm with me some but works full time 
away from the farm. He and his 8 year old son live at one 
end of the farm in a smallish white house. My wife, Diana, 
is very tolerant of my hobbies and really enjoys this kind 
of get togethers with my old iron friends. Many wives do 
come to these.
We are in the early stages of setting up a horse boarding 
operation. Very early. We do hope to have part of it going 
by this fall.
When you arrive (I think I sent you directions) you will 
find signs telling you which way to enter etc.
Looking forward to meeting you.


My latest list "No Nonsense Horse" (includes donkeys & mules).

Francis Robinson
Central Indiana USA
robinson at svs.net

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