[AT] Cummins Industrial Tools?

Mike Sloane msloane at att.net
Thu Jun 10 02:47:58 PDT 2004

Jim and Lyn Evans wrote:

> If you must buy one get it from Harbor Freight or weight until the Homier
> guys come to your area.  Same crap, but lower price than Cummins.   The
> rating on the winch is 6000 lb rolling load.   That would be on level
> concrete with fully inflated tires.    It probably wouldn't pull a 560 up to
> the trailer, much less up ramps.   Save your money and buy a good, high
> quality (expensive) come-a-long.   You will be able to pull much more stuff
> and no batteries are needed. 
Well, Jim, that sounds all very well for a solution, and on a nice cool 
day it might would fine. But when the temperature and the humidity are 
in the 90s, you don't want to be working the handle of a come-along 
pulling a dead tractor up on to a trailer (Cecil and I have been there, 
done that! - see: 
I may use one of my come-alongs for this problem, but only if all else 
fails AND it is a cool dry day.
> Jim
> -----Original Message-----
> From: at-bounces at lists.antique-tractor.com
> [mailto:at-bounces at lists.antique-tractor.com] On Behalf Of Mike Sloane
> Sent: Wednesday, June 09, 2004 12:03 PM
> To: Antique tractor
> Subject: [AT] Cummins Industrial Tools?
> A flyer came in the mail today announcing a "one day only sale" at the local
> fire company. It is being put on by "Cummins Industrial Tools" 
> <www.cumminstools.com>. Looking over the 4 page full color flyer, it would
> seem that they get their stuff from the same sources as Harbor Freight and
> similar importers. I was going to pass, figuring I have all the cheap
> Chinese tools I need at the moment, but one thing caught my
> eye: they show a "12 volt winch, 2000 lb. Capacity" for $80 ("regular price
> $99"). <http://www.cumminstools.com/browse.cfm/4,103.html>
> Now it seems that I managed to get my Farmall 560D stuck in the edge of my
> marsh, and none of my other tractors can get enough of grip a in the soft
> wet ground to pull it out. I was wondering if I could attach this winch to a
> tractor on high ground or a nearby very large ash tree nearby and just wind
> it out. It isn't all that stuck - it is just that the black much we have for
> ground around here is like grease when it is wet. 
> I figure that the same winch could be used to help pull non-running tractors
> up on to my trailer and other similar chores. But I don't feel like spending
> $80 on something that won't do the job. Has anyone had any experience with
> either the Cummins Industrial Tool Co. or a similar winch? (the sale is
> 6/15, so I have a little time to decide.) Is it possible to bargain with
> these folks when you are there in person? 
> (Cecil could probably have them down to $10 in no time, but I am not that
> good.)
> Mike
> --
> Mike Sloane
> Allamuchy NJ
> Email: (msloane at att.net)
> Website: <http://www.geocities.com/mikesloane>
> Tractor images: <www.fotki.com/mikesloane>
> Work: none - Retired!
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Mike Sloane
Allamuchy NJ
Email: (msloane at att.net)
Website: <http://www.geocities.com/mikesloane>
Tractor images: <www.fotki.com/mikesloane>
Work: none - retired

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will do when they don't have to. -Walter Linn

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