[Farmall] Sector Gears

Jim Thomson L50bmg at earthlink.net
Sat Jul 24 10:50:13 PDT 2004


  You can case harden your gear by packing the gear in a steel box 
surrounded by charcoal. Place the box in a heat treating furnace at 
1200F for 3-4 hours the dump the contents into water.  You could try and 
find a local heat treating shop near by. The cost should not be over 
$25.  Tell them you want about .010-.015 case depth and you will be 
fine. You could do this on your own if you had a forge and could get the 
gear in the box with charcoal a nice dull cherry red and then hold it 
there. What you  are trying to do is force carbon into the steel  and 
then lock it into place.

Jim Thomson (a former heat treater)
Naples, FL
L50bmg at earthlink.net

Mark Sargent wrote:

>Farmall guys-
>Does anyone know of a source for M Farmall Sector
>I suspect if there are - I can't afford them-- but let
>me know- I'd appreciate it.  I bought the Upper
>bolster OH kit from C & G - but I don't want to put it
>back together - and still have the 'speed wobble' on 
>the fastest M in western Ohio- due to the sector gear
>being worn.
>In the meantime I'll  continue to file the 'welds' - I
>used to fill the 'clatter' indentations-- on the one I
>took off.   The welds are softer than the gear- so I
>suspect I better do a home imitation of heat treat on
>the teeth when I'm done-   Has anyone done this?-- any
>words of wisdom are appreciated!
>Mark Sargent
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