[AJD] JD B Powertrol trouble
Steve Treimer
steelerhawk at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 20 07:42:02 PDT 2004
Wow, that sucks, sorry to hear about the problems. I could scan in
pages from my hydraulic service manual if needed and e-mail you the
.pdf or .jpg images. Contact me off list if you want me to do that, I
have some computer work to do for a friend tonight anyway.
I think the powertrol has a relief hole or porous plug in the cap so
that too much oil going into the reservoir just spills out the hole. I
would have just expected the powertrol to snort and grunt at trying to
lift the heavy load. Must have been a pretty good sized mower
--- "Daniel W. Oehmke" <doehmke at pressenter.com> wrote:
> I hooked up the one-way hydraulic cylinder for a mower/conditioner to
> a
> JD B and think I blew out the powertrol.
> The conditioner had been in the travel position with the cylinder
> partly
> extended. The powertrol was already pretty full of oil before I
> hooked
> it up. Once I pushed the powertrol handle to the rear and lowered
> the
> conditioner --- well, after that the powertrol just wouldn't lift
> anymore.
> After I hooked up another tractor to the conditioner and it rose up
> and
> down just fine --- I thought that by lowering the conditioner, it
> forced
> too much oil into the already full powertrol on the tractor, blowing
> gaskets or o-rings.
> I looked in the shop manual, but it doesn't have much help. Can
> anybody
> help explain what to check for? Is it possible I may only have to
> replace some o-rings in the powertrol, rather than take the rockshaft
> off to check/replace the gasket the back side of the powertrol's
> piston
> cylinder? And before removing the piston to check the leather cup on
> top
> of it?
> And what's the reference for working on the small parts within the
> powertrol itself?
> Thanks!
> Dan Oehmke
> Welch, MN
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