[AT] Have to sell a few friends )-;
David A. Laughead Jr.
daljr at bright.net
Mon Jul 19 14:18:14 PDT 2004
Yep it sad and hard, I had to go through the same about 4 yrs ago when I
changed jobs.
Dave Laughead
----- Original Message -----
From: Spencer Yost <yostsw at atis.net>
To: <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Monday, July 19, 2004 12:13 AM
Subject: [AT] Have to sell a few friends )-;
> I hate to do it, but I have to sell a few iron friends. I sort of
> anticipated having to do this last winter that's why rebuilt the Mustang's
> engine so I would have added some value to the tractor. But then I
> the sale of my company might free up enough cash to prevent selling a
> tractor or two. After studying my daughter's college tuition bill O-:=,
> I have decided I must go ahead and sell the tractors. I need to sell
> pretty quick, so I put them on ebay. I hate using Ebay and I did have an
> ad in Wild Harvest, but the price was wrong. Since publication is so
> erratic I can't count on a corrected ad being out anytime soon so I am
> stuck with ebay.
> At any rate, here is the URL:
> &rd=1
> I set an opening bid for the money I have in the tractors but otherwise
> there is no reserve.
> Its a sad day here at my place. I have never sold a tractor I intended
> keep before. Sure I sold a few tractors that I had bought for parts or
> for the implements but never a tractor I wanted. I feel like I am
> betraying a friend )-;
> I just thought everyone would want to know.
> Spencer Yost
> Owner, ATIS
> Plow the Net!
> http://www.atis.net
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