[Farmall] Selling the Farm and moving tractors & Tools

Mike Sloane msloane at att.net
Fri Jul 16 03:45:26 PDT 2004

Edward Tabor wrote:

> First, I want to send my sympathies out to you.  Your situation is 
> primarily the reason why I have decided to remain single, after 36 
> years.  Find yourself a friend with a rollback.  See if he can move them 
> for you.  A roll back is the most efficient way of moving both running 
> and non running tractors.
I have to agree wholeheartedly with the second part of Ed's comments 
(maybe the first one too, but I can't let my wife see that :-) ). We 
used rollbacks where I worked, and we could have virtually any tractor 
(within reasonable weight range) on and off the truck in a matter of 
minutes. Even the most stiff tractor or implement was no match for the 
winch (especially if the deck can be sprayed down with water) when 
loading. Getting them off, if they wouldn't roll, did require a sturdy 
tree or another tractor and a chain. But we simply tilted the deck and 
rolled it back, then anchored the tractor to something, and rolled the 
deck back forward. It was probably illegal, but lashing the machines 
down consisted of throwing a chain across the back of the tractor and 
hooking the ends to the rails of the bed and then pulling forward with 
the winch. Now, of course, this was only for local pick up and delivery, 
not for cross country treks! But I brought my Farmall 560 home 40 miles 
from the seller with a Ford 650 that way with no problem (OK, the mud 
flaps were touching the ground and going around some turns was a little 
hairy, but that was an extreme example). For bigger machines we had a 
Ford 6000, but the procedure was similar.

> Ed

Mike Sloane
Allamuchy NJ
Email: (msloane at att.net)
Website: <http://www.geocities.com/mikesloane>
Tractor images: <www.fotki.com/mikesloane>
Work: none - retired

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