[AT] desulfating battery chargers
H. L. Staples
hlstaples at mcloudteleco.com
Thu Jul 15 10:50:03 PDT 2004
Jim the pulse circuitry is fairly complex and should add some to the price
of a charger. Any of the pulse type chargers I've seen were clearly marked.
The one I have is small like the little float chargers from Harbor Freight.
However it cost about $60.00 and seems to do the job.
H. L. Staples
McLoud, Oklahoma
-------Original Message-------
From: Antique tractor email discussion group
Date: 07/15/04 08:35:28
To: Antique tractor email discussion group
Subject: Re: [AT] desulphating battery chargers
Well, I picked up a Schumacher SmartCharge charger off eBay last
week. They didn't mention anything about desulphating in the
description and I couldn't tell from the box. It doesn't appear
to be a desulphating charger. Unless they all are. But it's a
VERY nice small 6/12 volt charger that I can use anyway. But I
guess I'd like to know how I can tell for sure that it's a
desulphating charger. Will it say it clearly on the box?
> Well, it has been several weeks since some of you went out and
> bought those chargers at WalMart that are supposed to rejuvenate old
> batteries and I am wondering if anyone can say they truly brought an
> old battery back to life?
> Just curious as I have not been able to find one in stock at
> WalMart as yet and there is still time to get rid of the idea.
> Cecil
> --
> The nicest thing about telling the truth is you never have to wonder
> what you said.
> Cecil E Monson
> Lucille Hand-Monson
> Mountainville, New York Just a little east of the North Pole
> Allis Chalmers tractors and equipment
> Free advice
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