[Farmall] Sector Gears

Mark Sargent bucksargent1 at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 20 13:09:40 PDT 2004

Farmall guys-

Does anyone know of a source for M Farmall Sector
I suspect if there are - I can't afford them-- but let
me know- I'd appreciate it.  I bought the Upper
bolster OH kit from C & G - but I don't want to put it
back together - and still have the 'speed wobble' on 
the fastest M in western Ohio- due to the sector gear
being worn.

In the meantime I'll  continue to file the 'welds' - I
used to fill the 'clatter' indentations-- on the one I
took off.   The welds are softer than the gear- so I
suspect I better do a home imitation of heat treat on
the teeth when I'm done-   Has anyone done this?-- any
words of wisdom are appreciated!
Mark Sargent

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