[AT] Parting out tractors - what are your thoughts? long ramble reply

CBear81438 at aol.com CBear81438 at aol.com
Fri Jul 2 06:05:12 PDT 2004

I have a few of those partrs tractors, and I have parted out some and sold 
the parts.  I found that what usually happens is that someone will want the 
head, pistons and sleeves if good, and radiator if good, and maybe the crankshaft. 
 Then you might get a chance to sell a steering wheel, or a tie rod end, then 
the rest of the tractor will be around for eternity. Might get someone 
wanting some sheet metal.  I have a friend who has over 20 case tractors for salvage 
and he has another friend who has been in the tractor salvage business for 
over 50 years.  The head and other engine parts has to cover the cost of the 
tractor, then you take your chances at making any profit on the rest of the 
tractor, or it is worth $100/ton now....

I have a small salvage yard licensed by the state of OKla.  I am too much of 
a pack rat to sell any parts off anything.  I always try to get them back to 
running condition.  However, I have over 15 pickups and trucks around here, 
since the  the market for used trucks and pickups is shot...........    We used 
to be able to sell a running fixer-upper to high school kids.....   Now, drive 
by any high school parking lot and you will find 90% of the vehicles less than 
5 years old.    There are not any high school shop classes to teach these 
kids how to work on them, only vo-tech schools that are attended by the "lesser 
advantaged" kids.  I recently had a kid working for me who was a student at one 
of those high-powered advanced learning schools.  The poor kid couldn't 
paint, or  grind, or even be a decent hand.  Give him a computer, and he could make 
it do anything.  But do real work, no way..  

Around here, the vo-tech that had automotive shop was gutted to provide more 
classrooms for computers....  I bought most of the automotive and machine shop 
equipment at the auction they had....  

I remember saturdays and sundays as a kid with the neighbor guys working on 
their cars.  I was always working on mine.  There was someone overhauling or 
rebuilding or something.  Always something mechanical or body work going on in a 
garage.  Then we would get together to sand one down and prep it for paint.   
   Now, saturdays are spent in front of the television watching those 100 
channels of sports.........   No garage doors are open and guys working on 
anything....   Only airconditioners  and lawnmowers running.............   Which 
really ruins the market for older vehicles, trucks, and also tractors.   

I hate to say this, but there was a better market when the interest rates 
were higher.....  Now, the public will throw away or trade in trucks and vehicles 
and buy new.   Tractors under 50 hp are also that way here.  Who wants to pay 
$2000 for a 9N FORD when they can buy a new Mahindra with a front end loader 
and a trailer to pull it for $200 down and $150 a month.............    (When 
I am hunting for 3 days for parts for my old junk, sometimes I have to agree 
with the concept.....)

This is just a ramble, and I guess it is just venting.  I just do not like 
the path that we are going down...    We have become a throw-away and buy it new 
from a foreign corporation society.   If you really want to have an eye 
opener, just do a search on Benz-Diamler corporation and see how many different 
things they are into.  Especially large trucks.  

I guess this better have a different thread, because I know I started 

Cecil in OKla

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