[AT] O.T. Mozilla browser - Attn: Cecil Monson
Cecil E Monson
cmonson at hvc.rr.com
Fri Feb 27 05:26:50 PST 2004
pga2 at hot1.net wrote:
> Cecil,
> I just noticed another reason to like mozilla. The "splash screen" that
> displays just before the browser comes up looks Persian Orange #1 to me.
> :o)
> Phil
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It sure does, doesn't it? grins. I have to say I am
very pleased with Mozilla so far. No downside that I can see
and I just hope they don't try to get fancy like Netscape and
the others did.
The nicest thing about telling the truth is you never have to wonder
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Cecil E Monson
Lucille Hand-Monson
Mountainville, New York Just a little east of the North Pole
Allis Chalmers tractors and equipment
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