[AT] Diesel Starting Safety Reminder
Edward Tabor
edward.tabor at zoominternet.net
Tue Feb 24 17:36:30 PST 2004
The state of MD requires that a teenager take a "tractor operator safety
course" before operating farm machinery belonging to another. However
he/she is able to operate family owned equipment at will, no course
required. Does the state enforce these rules....I can answer with a
resounding NO. I took my safety course, although my father taught me
more about safety than the course ever did.
DAVIESW739 at aol.com wrote:
>Tim the law covers children from the age of 14 to 18 they have to take and
>pass a tractor safety and driving test put on by qualified people. They are then
>given a license or permit what ever you want to call it to operate a tractor.
>This is on all property public or private. One of the things that gets me is
>they cannot tow anything behind the tractor on a public road. Really makes it
>hard for people to use kids to farm with with. Also makes it almost impossable
>for city kids to get a license for tractors because no one will take the time
>to train them to pass the test which is quite extensive in driving the
>tractor though certain types of cituations to show that the kid can safely operate
>the tractor.
>I have a 16 year old who works for me at times and i let him drive both of my
>tractors but if i get caught I could be in trouble and if hegets hurt I am in
>big trouble. But he is so good at it and so careful that I don't get to
>excited. He grew up on small kubota that his dad has and is quite good at operating
>my tractors. he was a little scared the first time he ran the big Cae LA but
>I stood on the platform with him and he took to it a dog takes to water ( well
>anyway my dogs).
>If things were like this when i was a kid the farms would have gone broke
>looking for someone to help with the farming.
>My daughter tells me that the same law is in effect in Nebraska where she
>lives. My grandson got his lisence when he turned 14 he also got his regular
>drivers lisence at the sametime.
>Walt Davies
>Cooper Hollow Farm
>Monmouth, OR 97361
>503 623-0460
>AT mailing list
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