[AT] RE: Eating while doing tractor things sort of ramble
Vaughn Miller
vmiller at messiah.edu
Mon Feb 23 05:38:11 PST 2004
Hi George,
I think it is spelled panhaus, and as far as I know it is the same thing as
scrapple. As far as what parts of the hog go into it, I've always been told
that everything but the squeal goes in :-)
Vaughn Miller
Dillsburg, PA
>>> gwill at toast.net 2/21/04 11:29:52 PM >>>
Does anyone have memories of ponhaas? I've never seen it spelled, but
that's how it is pronounced. It's everything that can be cooked off a
head, cooked until it is nearly all liquid and then mixed with a lot of
meal (seems like about 25#) and about a pound of pepper. It turns solid
a pan. Eaten sliced and fried for breakfast.
George Willer
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