[AT] Some ads from the 2/21 Lancaster Farming
Mike Sloane
msloane at att.net
Sat Feb 21 14:04:56 PST 2004
Some of the more interesting ads from the unclassified (free to
subscribers) Mailbox Markets section of the weekly Lancaster (PA)
Farming newspaper for 2/21/04. For the full listing, go to
<www.lancasterfarming.com>. [my comments, if any, are in brackets]
For Sale:
125 Michigan loader 4 yd bucket, fair cond, fair tires, $7500; 2355 JD
with cab, good cond., fair rubber, $12,450. Leb. Co. 717-469-2138.
13” x 55” steel wheels, rebar, ex. cond., used only 3 yrs., woodworking
equip., used 2 1/2 years, ex. cond. 717-733-7547. [an example of Amish
steel wheels that were discussed earlier in the week]
1937 unstyled JDeere D 130763 needs restored, good steel wheels, new
fenders, $4300 obo. York Co 717-324-2352 no Sun.
1946 Case Model SC running handy cap, 4 wheel scooter looking to buy
valve refacing machine. Berks Co. 610-582-4642.
1949 JD MTW tractor clean, runs good, clean paint. 732-684-0655, Jim.
1952 Case SC looks good runs good $2500. L&R rear axles for JD H. Lanc
Co. 717-529-6068.
1959 MF 65 diesel recently restored on same farm for 40 yrs. real nice
$5800. Lanc. Co. 717-445-5273.
1964? Ford 4 wheel drive train and frame $300 obo; 1954 IH 1/2 ton short
bed pickup restorable $750. York Co. 717-259-1373.
20 church pews in very good cond. Must sell, best offer. Cumb. Co.
776-3247. [must sell? I can well imagine what the story is on that
300 Austin Western grader 4x4 IH gas/diesel engine mid and front blades
full hyd best offer. Lanc. Co. 717-569-1221.
AC HD6 ag crawler with PTO 90% U.C. good cond. b.o.; NH 676, IH 550 560
spreader parts. Berks Co. 610-641-9581.
AC model B restored w/cults, over $2200 invested, $1,600, 18hp, B&S
engine rebuilt, $200 obo. Must sell! Lanc. Co. 717-653-1233.
Allis Chalmers 2300 lb. capacity forklift appearance good, doesn’t
start, $495, elect. poles some 40’ long $4 a piece. Lanc. Co. 717-426-2058.
Ballpoint pen collection, cap collection, $.50ea. Wooden hog scaulding
trough $120. Huskee riding mwr. $40. Lanc Co. 717-768-3341. [i guess
there are collections of almost anything you can think of]
Case DC Eagle hitch, VGC motor overhauled, $3000 obo. Allis Chalmers
Model C, plow cultivators, VGC, $2000. Snyder Co. 570-374-8499.
Case tractor model 300 engine and hydraulic, very good. Steering needs
rebuilt, $2475 obo. 717-336-4487.
Cub Cadet parts, starter generators, mufflers, blades, engine parts,
carb kits, seats, belts, all parts are new stock. Wayne Co. 578-729-7237.
David Bradley tri-trac s/n 2704 exc. sheet metal all parts intact motor
good needs tires ready for paint. Adams Co. 717-677-6025.
Farmall 560 gas rebuilt engine, NF fast hitch, 80s, GMC shortbed
stepside, 4x4, good body, new paint, loader. York Co. 717-432-0434.
Farmall A new tires, good cond, $1500obo. Colm. Co. 570-458-6965.
Farmall C tractor mounted plow and 3 tires size LT-255/70R16 and F150
shortbed truck liner. Berks Co. 610-777-4396.
Farmall Cub tire chains $60; Cult parts $100; Belt pully $40; Farmall A
back wheel weights $60. Leb. Co. 717-949-8196.
Farmall Super C, H’s wheel weights, John Deere bucket 6’, 1988 Chev 2500
van, tractor parts & tools. York Co. 717-932-2491.
For sale 9N tractor chains and two front wheels and tires for 9N
tractor. Juniata Co. 717-463-3380.
Ford 8N tractor new engine mint restored $6500; 32 Ford chassis Chrysler
engine needs body only $4900. York Co. 717-845-5734.
Ford NH 7610 140 hrs, $22,000, Farmall BW, $1500. Cumb. Co. 717-532-7638.
Hi-Lift for SA Farmall; Wanted: Baler with thrower, gravity box, rear
tiller for Bolens 1250. Elk Co. 814-776-6028. [ok - i give up. what's a
"Hi-Lift for SA Farmall"?]
IH 110 mower, 154 cub lowboy lomower nice Farmall M wide front exc cond.
Stewart #51 cow sheep clippers. Cumb. Co. 717-243-9600.
JD 520, Ford 420, Farmall C, AC, WD 45 welder, Ford 8N, Bombadier
w/blade, 3pt. tracks, flat bed trailer, gas motor, 460-560 Farmall. M-F
60 WF 3pt. Clinton Co. 570-726-6641.
JD 655 2.5 yrd track loader top shape $25,000; Case 480 front end loader
w/reverser top cond. $4900. Northamp. Co. 610-760-8000.
JD450-C dozer, 6-way, brush ROPS, 70 H.P. turbo, 8 tong PTO, 3 remotes,
ripper/cableplow/3pt., recent new V/C, paint, overhaul. Lanc. Co.
JDeere AR stuck 60 A B Farmall M H Allis WD 1959 Ford retract. 1954 1966
Corvette. Franklin Co. 717-532-2873.
John Deere 2010 wide front axle brackets orig. good cond. $200 both;
Massey Harris 22 for parts $200. Wyo. Co. 570-586-0145.
John Deere 24 skid loader Wisconsin motor. Machine runs but needs
hydraulic pump. $2000. Northamp. Co. 610-767-3515.
John Deere 4020 DC SS DL 2R engine knocks $5000; John Deere 643 corn
head H tin $3500. York Co. 717-456-7783. [from what I have been told, a
4020 with a knock is far from rare...]
Ladder truck 100’ alum. aerial ladder with winch lights & piping & out
riggers V.G.C. low mileage on truck, 17,280 miles $9000. Blair Co.
814-696-3377. [another gift for the man who has everything]
Loader for Farmall HorM cylinders reblt., trip bucket, $300. Ford 4-row
cultivator, $75. Union Co. 570-568-1039.
MF-400 trackloader, need work $3,000; MF 20C w/loader, P.S., Cab, new
tires $5,000; 1944 2N tractor w/Brushog $3,500; 1941 9N exc. cond. new
tires $3,500. Ocean Co. NJ 609-758-8976.
Mowers - Woods L-59 for Farmall Cub, like new, $875, JD 60” belly mower
for 650 or 750, $850. Cumb. Co. 717-243-4362.
New & used GE elec trak tractor parts. Also want to buy Elec-trak and
other elec. tractors & accessories. Lanc. Co. 717-859-4234.
Snow blade Int. #400 angle trip spring with skid shoes, fits most
tractors, loaders, good condition, $300. 4237 Chapel Rd., Perry Hall.
Baltimore Co. 1-410-256-3729.
Unstyled John Deere L, good winter project (717)371-4638, $6500 firm.
Lanc. Co.
Mike Sloane
Allamuchy NJ
Email: (msloane at att.net)
Website: <http://www.geocities.com/mikesloane>
Tractor images: <www.fotki.com/mikesloane>
Work: <www.smithtractorandequipment.com>
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