[AT] OT - Pickup Transmission Question
charlie hill
chill8 at cox.net
Wed Dec 22 05:13:44 PST 2004
Check the grounds and get it away from AAMCO as soon as possible and
hopefully before they go into it. Around here they charge you a small base
charge to tear into it. Then tell you it is going to need a rebuild and
won't put it back together without a big charge. Your's may be different.
The speedometer is most likely electronic on a 1990. Therefore if it is not
working consistently it stands to reason that it is a ground. If you can
get it back from AAMCO before it cost you any money try putting a jumper
cable or similar ground from the transmission case to a good chassis ground.
(make sure the connections are good) and see if the problem goes away.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Rob Gray" <Robgray at epix.net>
To: "Antique tractor email discussion group" <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2004 9:33 AM
Subject: [AT] OT - Pickup Transmission Question
>I have a '90 F150 automatic 4X4 which started to have shifting problems the
>same day as the speedometer started to "bounce" around from zero to the
>actual driving speed. The transmission continued to shift worse and worse
>as the speedometer got worse and worse until the speedometer stopped
>working at all and I could barely drive the thing due to extremely
>off-timing gear shifting. This was supposedly one of the first years for
>Ford's electronic transmissions so I'm guessing that these trucks use the
>speedometer to assist the auto tranny in "knowing" when to shift?
> I left it at AAMCO and they said that they have to open up the transfer
> case and take a look. Has anyone experienced this sort of problem before
> that could give me any insights as to how big a job it was to get
> fixed....? I just had the torgue converter on the transmission replaced 6
> months ago and with a truck this age I'm somewhat leery of digging a hole
> too deep expense-wise... Maybe I should park it out in the field and start
> one of those old vehicle "collections" you see on some places here and
> there.... ;)
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