[Steam-engine] Older Steam Magazines.

Terry Welch ksw001 at pensys.com
Fri Dec 10 20:37:42 PST 2004

Spencer,and group, Paul Young has not been on the list for while( a couple of
years). I got a e-mail from a friend of mine that knows Paul personally. He
told me this internet service has been down for a couple of years. He has no
idea how this is happening. So before you knock the person, guys, think what
might be happening.
Spencer, because of the better than thou attitude and political garbage,that
was going on, the ATIS lists are losing another person that knows alot about
this old iron hobby and he told me he has learned a lot form this and the other
groups he was on here at the ATIS. I guess it is very easy to type something in
and hit that send icon, that you would not do if you were talking to someone
face to face. Spencer you do a great job with these lists. You are the host and
we are the guests.We need to show respect for our host and one another. Enough
said, back to Steam
Terry Welch

Spencer Yost wrote:

> I have taken care of it.   I appreciate Bob Smith contacting me personally
> about this as I have been out of town and only check my personal mail when
> I am out of town.
> Spencer Yost
> Owner, ATIS
> Plow the Net!
> http://www.atis.net
> *********** REPLY SEPARATOR  ***********
> On 12/10/2004 at 10:34 AM Bob Smith wrote:
> >Well, the bottom line here is this clown seems to subscribed to the list
> >and
> >is simply too stupid to figure out how to unsubscribe and has created this
> >autoresponder message in hopes that he can annoy the list enough so that
> >someone will unsubscribe for him.
> >
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