[AT] Subdivision Development
charlie hill
chill8 at cox.net
Fri Dec 3 11:16:01 PST 2004
Heck Mike, we used to have to list our guns and dogs (but not cats. I
think the theory was that no one actually owned a cat. lol). They did away
with that years ago but we still have to pay taxes on boats, boat trailers,
tractors and equipment, utility trailers, etc, etc.
If you don't pay the tax on your vehicles they won't let you buy a license
plate the next year until you pay the bill and the fine. If you ever make
the mistake of paying by check they record your account router number and if
you ever fail to pay they attach your bank account. I don't think they can
legally do that but they do. Believe me I know. A few years ago I
overlooked a tax bill on some personal property (my boat or something).
They sent me a late notice that came about 2 days after I paid the bill for
one of my vehicles. I thought it was a second notice for the bill I had
just paid and ignored it. About a week later I got a notice that they were
going to block my bank account if I didn't pay them (about $45.00). I got
the notice out of the mail box and drove straight to the tax office and paid
them. Too Late! They had already siezed my account and a few hundred
others in the county that same day. The bank was going to charge me $60 to
straighten it out once I proved I had paid the bill. The bank was very nice
about it. They said they had no choice since the county had sent them
papers to do it. I reminded them that I had been banking with them for
about 30 years and they decided to let me slide on the $60 but the lady said
most of the others would have to pay as it cost the bank money to do the
paper work. Not to mention that many of the others had "bad checks"
floating around as a result of the accounts being siezed. Luckily I hadn't
written any for a few days.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Sloane" <mikesloane at verizon.net>
To: "Antique tractor email discussion group" <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Friday, December 03, 2004 8:29 AM
Subject: Re: [AT] Subdivision Development
> charlie hill wrote:
>> The funny thing is that I keep telling them about my tractors and they
>> keep telling me they are too old to have any value (they can't find them
>> in their book) and take them off the tax registration. That's fine with
>> me. I stopped listing them.
> You list your machinery? The county taxes your vehicles and such? We are
> only taxed on the land and buildings. I could have an airplane, yacht, and
> 15 tractors, and it wouldn't change my taxes a cent. (I don't have the
> plane and boat, but the tractors are another story...)
> Mike
>> Charlie
> --
> Mike Sloane
> Allamuchy NJ
> mikesloane at verizon.net
> Images: <www.fotki.com/mikesloane>
> The greatest of faults, I should say, is to be conscious of none. -Thomas
> Carlyle, writer (1795-1881)
> --
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