[AJD] JD A s/n 607821Piston Pin Bushing Troubles
Chris C
jdnutinwa at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 27 18:50:50 PST 2004
I thought I would spend some time working on my Many
A projects today. I thought I would work on changing
out the 090 pistons in the 48 A for the .045 pistons
that match my replacement block.
The pins came out of the 090 pistons and the 045
pistons just fine. However, the pins from the .045
pistons didn't want to fit the rod bushings. After
some careful work with the Micrometer they might by
.003 bigger but it's hard to be that accurate with my
digital mich. So off to the parts book to study up on
the problem.
The book (pc675) lists 3 Piston Pin options,
Standard, .003 and .005 One marked with red, the
other yellow. Hmm.. Back to the workbench. Ah Ha!
Red marks on the .045 pins. back for more studying..
RATS only one piston pin bushing listed. So, the
Does Deere or anyone else offer .003 and .005
bushings? I have heard of having to ream out pin
bushings. I went out and bought a Brake Cylinder
Hone and am planning on honing the little suckers out
but before I go crazy on them I am wondering if anyone
has a better idea?
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