[AJD] DB1234
Robert M. Massengale
ltcmikem at ktc.com
Thu Dec 23 16:16:02 PST 2004
Karl -
I spoke with the JD publications folks earlier this week about SM 2004. They quoted
me $95 + $6 s&h for the reprint. Louis posted on the 21st that the CD for SM 2004
was $50 + s&h.
Robert M. Massengale
Fredericksburg, Texas 78624
> Ah, that's what I needed to know. I copied the PDFs onto my hard
> disk, but need to find and copy the index.
> Incidentally, I printed out the parts catalog for BO/BR yesterday
> using Acrobat Reader 6.0 and was extremely pleased with the quality of
> the printing.
> You can actually see the smoothing algorithms at work when you expand
> or shrink the displayed document. As you change magnification, the
> graphics come up full of jaggies and warts, and then the smoothing
> kicks in and the picture or text becomes very clear. There's also a
> 'shapshot' feature, which I suspect would be useful for emailing a
> drawing (or a page from the parts catalog) to a friend. Not that
> anyone would dream of infringing on JD copyrights by doing so...
> I take it that JD never got around to putting their service manuals on
> CD, but that you can order an individual manual on CD directly from
> Deere? I'd like to have that SM 2004 that was discussed earlier this
> week. I've suddenly developed an interest in Bs, and the I&T manual
> covering the A, B, G and H is pretty slim. The beauty of having it on
> CD is that you can print out just the pages you need, and if they get
> dirty, you haven't damaged an expensive manual.
> -Karl
> -------------
> > Karl:
> >
> > I wish I had the Adobe software to generate PDF files. I need it and
> > am too cheap to buy it. I'm just using version 6.0 Adobe Acrobat
> > Reader. The INDEX file I'm using to get the inventory of the Parts
> > Catalog disks is included right with the original PC CD's.
> >
> >
> >
> > Dean A. Van Peursem
> > Snohomish, WA 98290
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