[Farmall] Cultivators for Farmall A
Troy Bogdan
tbogdan1 at earthlink.net
Sat Dec 18 09:51:14 PST 2004
Hi Jim,
I have a lever already for lifting the mower deck up and down. I will look
at that link you listed, and see what is there, and no, I do not have any
copies of "Red Power." I would love to see that photo you mentioned.
THANKS VERY MUCH, Sincerely, Troy
on 12/18/04 9:49 AM, Jim Becker at jim.becker at verizon.net wrote:
> Troy,
> Good to hear from you.
> On the mower, a guess a rule of thumb is if removing a part disables the
> mower but lets the tractor still work, it is probably part of the mower.
> The main parts of the mower are the deck, a cross member on the back that
> supports the deck and idler pulleys, pulley on the PTO or pulley shaft,
> belts guards, belt guard brackets and a hand lift control assembly on the
> bell housing. You should look at the Owner's Manual for the mower for
> specifics. If you don't have a manual, look here:
> http://www.cleancomputes.com/Cub/OEM%20Implement%20and%20Attachment%20Manuals/
> Woods%20Mower%20Manuals/index.html
> These are Cub manuals, but it should give you the general ideas. If a part
> shows in the parts bearkdown lists in the manual, it is a Woods part.
> If you have Super A cultivators to mount on an A, you have a problem with
> lifting and controlling depth. The lift lever package was part of the A
> cultivator but the Super A cultivators depended on having a hydraulic system
> on the tractor. Maybe you can find the lever package from an A and adapt
> it to the rest of what you have.
> The Planet Jr. planting units for tractor mounting were similar to the hand
> push units but there were some differences. I think you can make yours
> work. But as with the cultivators, a little Yankee enginuity is required.
> I'm guessing you don't have a subscription to Red Power. The Nov-Dec issue
> has a picture of the Planet Jr. seeder mounted on a Cub. It would give you
> some idea of how IH did it. Contact me directly if you need a copy of the
> picture.
> Jim Becker jim.becker at verizon.net
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Troy Bogdan" <tbogdan1 at earthlink.net>
> To: <farmall at lists.antique-tractor.com>
> Sent: Saturday, December 18, 2004 6:19 AM
> Subject: [Farmall] Cultivators for Farmall A
>> Hello,
>> I have been away from ATIS for some time now, but wanted to let you know
>> that I am back as a subscriber. I hope to hear from many old familiar
>> names, and hope to meet lots of new ones also.
>> I have two antique tractors. A 1953 John Deere 70, and a 1945 Farmall A.
>> My question today is, how do I go about changing over my A from a Woods,
>> belt driven mower, to a cultivating tractor? I bought some used
>> cultivators, which I think may be for a Super A (I didn't know at the
>> time)
>> and want to take off the mower and put on the cultivators. Any hints or
>> tips would be greatly appreciated.
>> Also, I want to sell the mower. What parts belong to the tractor, and
>> what
>> parts should go with the mower. Also, what is a fair market price for
>> this
>> Woods mower deck?
>> After I get the cultivators put on, I also want to add a Planet Junior one
>> row drill for planting veggies. Any ideas for that? I already own one
>> that
>> is for pushing by hand. Would I need a special tool bar for it?
>> Thanks very much, and hope to talk with you soon.
>> Troy Bogdan, Pure earth Organic Farm, North-West Pennsylvania
>> WWW.PUREEARTHORGANIC.COM (Web site needs updated, but still informative).
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