[AT] OT-need help with IDing a snowblower engine
Steve W.
falcon at telenet.net
Sat Dec 4 11:11:36 PST 2004
Shows how you power a bike with a chainsaw engine... or 12....
Steve Williams
Near Cooperstown NY
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ralph Goff" <alfg at sasktel.net>
To: "Antique tractor email discussion group"
<at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Saturday, December 04, 2004 1:00 PM
Subject: Re: [AT] OT-need help with IDing a snowblower engine
> Bruce
> I can't imagine a chain saw engine powering a motor bike, at least not
> little 14 inch McCulloch saw that I have.
> I do have one of those old 2 stroke powered snow throwers that I
picked at a
> sale . It has'nt run in years. Looks something like a snow shovel with
> engine mounted on it. I'm not even sure what model engine it had.
> Ralph in Sask.
> http://lgoff.sasktelwebsite.net/
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <ROBBRUT at aol.com>
> To: <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
> Sent: Saturday, December 04, 2004 9:30 AM
> Subject: [AT] OT-need help with IDing a snowblower engine
> > I'm tapping into the knowledge assets of the list- Answers offline
if it
> will
> > offend my ATIS friends.
> > I am building a lightweight motorcycle for my boys (and I) to use.
> > I'll model it somewhat on the Simplex Servicycle (see <<<
> > http://www.servi-cycle.com/ >>>) but upgraded a bit with a Comet
> Torque-A-Matic variable drive
> > and bicycle disk brakes.
> > A 2-stroke engine was what the original had (I have a Simplex, apart
> though)
> > so I'd like to stay with that type of powerplant.
> > Chainsaw engines are too tough to modify for my purposes, since I
need a
> > straight 3/4" or 1" output shaft to utilize the Comet drive.
> > I have collected three small snowthrowers, all with what looks like
> same
> > 3/4" straight-shaft 2-stroke engine (Jacobson Sno-Burst is one of
> but
> > all three are built exactly the same, but re-branded).
> > I haven't had any luck ferreting out data on this engine from the
> > sources.
> > I looking for: Engine OEM; Horsepower and any additional info, such
as is
> it
> > one of a family of engines with some brothers or cousins with more
or less
> > muscle?
> > Thanks,
> > Bruce Thompson
> > P.S. To avoid "O.T."in the title, I COULD have noted the the two
boys who
> are
> > to be the ultimate owner/riders are the same two who help with my
'56 Case
> > 600G crawler repairs/mods and who are learning (slowly and safely)
how to
> use a
> > loader and backhoe with the Kubota B7200, but that would have been a
> > sleazy, eh?
> > -B
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