[Farmall] Fairbanks Morse magneto

Jim Becker jim.becker at verizon.net
Sun Aug 8 18:54:36 PDT 2004

Neil Yerigan's book "Howe To Restore Tractor Magnetos" has a chapter on the
Fairbanks Morse X4B9.  The text refers to "X-series" so I would guess most
applies.  I never worked on an F-M magneto so this is just a best guess.

Jim Becker        jim.becker at verizon.net

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "E. John Puckett" <ejpuckett at centurytel.net>
To: "Farmall/IHC mailing list" <farmall at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Sunday, August 08, 2004 7:40 PM
Subject: [Farmall] Fairbanks Morse magneto

> A friend of mine sent me the following request for help.  i couldn't help
> any, but thought someone on the list might be able to.
>   I've got a magneto (FM X1B7E) that won't fire. It's off a Wisconsin
> (model AENL). I took it apart and I don't know how to remove the center
> Don't really want to remove it, but it's pretty dirty and has to come off.
>     Where can a guy find the disassembly/testing/installing procedures for
> rascal.......been looking high and low and cannot find it on the net, and
> didn't want to buy a manual for this one project. I'm probably just not
> the correct phrase to get me where I need to go..
> -- 
> John
> another one of them
> *.?-!.* cub owners

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