[Farmall] Some ads from the 8/27 Lancaster Farming
Mike Sloane
msloane at att.net
Sat Aug 28 16:03:57 PDT 2004
Some of the more interesting ads from the unclassified (free to
subscribers) Mailbox Markets section of the weekly Lancaster (PA)
Farming newspaper for 8/27/04. For the full listing, go to
<www.lancasterfarming.com>. If you think you might have missed last
week's message, you didn't - there was nothing posted on their website.
[my comments, if any, are in brackets]
For Sale:
Allis Chalmers WD tractor, excellent condition, 12 volt electrical
system, tires 90%, $1750, 5 foot 3pt cultivator, $75. Berks Co.
Arial ladder truck, 100 ft., 5 man cab, diesel, side compartments, air
brakes, wench, high pressure water pump, fire truck, $7,250. Blair Co.
814-695-3232. [I wonder if you can get the wench separately]
Ford 9N tractor, $2800, Ford 340 skid loader, $2500, Mustang 1000 skid
steer, $3200 Bobcat 610 skid loader, $3200, IH fast hitch mower, $295,
old spoke wheels. 717-354-0266.
12 John Deere tractors 1-320, 2-B’s, 1-H, 2-M’s, 4-420C’s, 1-MC, 1-320
$44,000. Lv. Msg. Adams Co. 717-259-8267.
1935 McCormick Deering 0-12 Orchard tractor, new paint, runs well, good
rubber. No Sunday calls. Bradford Co. 570-297-3306.
1940 A.C.B. tractor and plow, 1940 Ferguson tractor and plow.
717-336-7497 or 717-203-3042.
Acme diesel 8HP runs good $250; Lanc. Co. please lv. msg. 661-9316.
Allis Chalmers B starts and runs well, nice tires and paint, cultivators
and belt pully $1700 obo. Cumb. Co. 717-776-7669.
Allis Chalmers D-10 with cultivators, $3600; International 504 with
loader, $1500, will separate. Chester Co. 610-869-2001.
Allis Chalmers Model G with cultivator and plow. Original in good
condition. Berks Co., 610-562-3210.
Farmall C mounted plow, 2 babydoll southdown lambs, and three LT
255x70-16 truck tires. Berks Co. 610-777-4396.
Ford 8N tractor 3pt hitch new, radiator starter generator steering wheel
manifold orig. paint, good tires, nice, $2,000. York Co. 717-292-6699.
Will trade 1952 John Deere “A” serial number 690397 for Farmall Super M
must run good & look good. Lanc. Co. 717-786-4439. [Good Luck!]
MI-D Springfield Garand serial number 2538612, excellent condition, no
scope, $600, call after 8 o’clock p.m. Chester Co. 610-268-8239.
Orig. 10-20 McCormick Deering tractor manual complete w/fold-out printed
1928. Also many Onan manuals. No Sunday calls. Lanc. Co. 610-286-6742.
John Deere La & 70 models, also Oliver Cletracs, Hg-62, AGH, please call
for prices. Somerset Co. 814-629-6733.
John Deere A, B $1,600 ea. JD Hammer mill $225. Huber Road maintainer
grader $1,800. JD LA $3,200. Columbia Co. 570-387-1968.
John Deere 70 diesel with pony motor, good condition, 16 foot long
flatbed goose neck trailer. Thank you. Cumb. Co. 717-486-5900.
Int’l. B250 diesel. Allis-Chalmers B rotary motor plow, cultivators,
reblt. motor. JD #5 mowers for parts. Jefferson Co. 814-856-2885, after 8pm.
International LA gas engine Oliver 40 walking plow goat doe w/twin kids
call after 5PM. York Co. 717-862-3728. [if you can figure this one out,
more power to you]
JD 1010 tractor WF 3 point gas, good worker, 3800 IH Cub 1966 12v 5ft
sickle mower, $2,400, nice. Bucks Co. 215-493-4108.
JD 2010 gas, live PTO, hydraulic, power steering, narrow front, good
solid tractor, been in family since new, $4500. Fulton Co. 717-860-4515.
M.F. 65 diesel tractor, needs work, cultimulcher, in good condition,
best offer, free cats. Leb. Co. 717-272-5390.
M/M jet star w/loader, fast attach bucket accepts pallet forks. Runs
good, $3500 40HP P/S TA L/PTO. Lanc. Co. 717-653-9715.
IH 140 tractor w/5 ft. Woods mower nice shape $2800; MF35 tractor
completely redone motor, tires, paint etc. $2900 obo. Cambria Co.
Ford 1953 Jubilee loader new paint good metal good cond. $3850. Chester
Co. 610-644-0747.
Ford 2000 tractor, runs good, $4,500. Bucks Co. 215-453-1051.
For Sale: Ford 8N Mint $4500. For Sale BSA Motorcycles. York Co.,
9-N Ford exc. cond, good paint, and tin, good tires, Sherman aux.
trans., 12 volt system, del. avail., $3,200 o.b.o., Morgan Co., WV,
IHC 706 tractor WF FH 3,500 NH 254 rake tedders, 1,300 antique Dellinger
hamer mill, $500. Cecil Co. 410-378-9355.
Farmall A good cond. new tires $1500 obo; Xmas tree mower $200; 2 point
hitch sicklebar mower $200. Col. Co. 570-458-6965.
Farmall 706 tractor N/F gas 3 pt w/2000 loader, good cond. $3900; Also
50 ft. New Idea elevator. Franklin Co. 717-349-0113.
Ferguson 135 parts Farm NI C John Deere B Danuser posthold digger, 2
Ford 8N5 Ford 10’ cut harrow 2 AC 28’ tires & wheels small Olvier 66.
Burl. Co. NJ 609-735-1313.
Farmall H w/snowplow wheel weights, belt pulley straight tin runs good
$1,300. 8ft & 10ft lime drills. Lycoming Co. 570-435-2271.
Farmall “C” very straight, clean ex. mech. cond thruout rear tires 90%+
no smoke four implem. available $1,750. Berks Co. 610-944-9162.
Economy Power King tractor, model 1614 all gear, drive 14 HP 48” mower
deck, 3 pt, $1500. St. Mary’s Co. 301-994-0926.
F12 Farmall with Single Front Wheel $800. F20 Rear End $25. Franklin
Co., 717-597-3480.
C Farmall very good cond., with 3 pt., 12v, $1600. St. Mary’s Co.
Antique tractors for fall shows 1930 Farmall B 2 seats $1,900. 1942
Allis B spoke front wheels $2,000. Cumb. Co. 717-423-5985.
46 Oliver Cletrac HG w/Sauder snow blade, needs elec. work. Cletrac HG
12 volt runs O.K. Oliver 66 narrow front, needs paint. Columbia Co.,
(570) 672-1148.
460 International wide front end w/front loader, 6 ft. bucket, 3 pt.
hitch & extras, $4,500. Call 814-359-2153. Centre Co.
1959 Allis Chalmers CA tractor with six foot wood mower deck, runs good,
$2500 obo, leave message. Schuylkill Co. 570-943-7737.
1960 Farmall Cub. Exc.l cond. Garage kept, deck mower snow plow, garden
plow carry rack, chains fast hitch $3200. Bucks Co. 215-721-4555.
1958 Edsel Citation 2dr hd TP 77,000M, turq & white, PS, PB, spotlight,
skirts, rust free, drive anywhere, $9,500. 717-529-2126. Lanc. Co.
1948 Allis Chalmers WC overhauled engine, 12V, painted, tires fair, runs
excellent, shed kept, must sell! Asking $950 OBO. Dauphin Co., 717-838-7917.
1948 Farmall Cub, 1 bottom plow, disk, snow blade, cult. York Co.
1950 Farmall C tractor w/belt pulley restored, show quality $2,175. 1952
Farmall Cub w/mower $2,450. Montg. Co. 610-933-2469.
1952 John Deere MT tractor, runs well, great tin, front cultivators,
$2,500. Salem Co. 856-358-2444.
Allis Chalmers WD with Loader, runs good, good tin & rubber, $1,000 OBO.
Hobart #52 Slicer $500 OBO. Franklin Co., 717-593-9298.
Case 350 track loader with backhoe, 3 buckets, $7,500, 1978 Ford F-800
dump truck, good for farm use, $2500. Cumberland Co. 717-243-4362.
Restored 1957 Allis D17 new rear rims, paint, decals, $4,000, 1949 Allis
G new rear tires, paint, $2,600. Chenango N.Y. 607-656-7160.
Mike Sloane
Allamuchy NJ
Email: (msloane at att.net)
Website: <http://www.geocities.com/mikesloane>
Blog: <www.mikesloane.blogspot.com
Tractor images: <www.fotki.com/mikesloane>
Work: none - retired
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-Adlai Stevenson, statesman (1900-1965)
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