[Farmall] cleaning solvents

Gary Hayes in Bouse, AZ naagary at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 25 11:06:23 PDT 2004

I agree with Bob C....  You can't get the cleaners
that work like they used to. 

due to CRS I don't remember the class of solvents they
were, but the new stuff is no where near what the old
stuff was. My old 5 gal pail ate throught the bottom
and made a mess.

most "recomended" parts cleaners are water based
Laquer thinner is low VOC and does not pack the punch
it once did.  I use oven cleaner to remove grease&
paint in one smelly step. Laquer thinner works on
grease, mineral spirits is the solvents for the metal
parts washer and the plastic parts sink uses the safe


--- MarkTakacs at aol.com wrote:

>        The auto parts stores have the 1 gallon cans
> of parts cleaner / carb 
> cleaner that many suggest to get when rebuild a
> carb.  It comes with a parts 
> tray inside.  This stuff seems very strong and not
> like the other chemicals I 
> have used or inhaled, gotten on hands, etc.  It
> breaks down dirt, grease, and 
> paint very quickly.
>        The brake cleaners I used awhile back also
> quickly degreases from a 
> spray can but newer ones seam a little tamer.
> Mark Takacs
> "hoping to bring my 1945 H back to life"
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Gary Hayes

naagary at yahoo.com  showcard at rraz.com

aka RUSTFARM - in Bouse, AZ

old farm tractors

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