[AT] new Oliver Club

Danny Tabor dannytabor2000 at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 30 15:41:41 PDT 2004

     You are absolutely correct. I believe the pro's
and cons have been weighed and certainly the pro's
outweigh the con's.
    Due to jealousy, back in November, our board fired
the editor of the clubs magazine. No warning or
anything. She had recieved a letter telling her of her
termination. Still she and the HPOCA members wait for
an explanation. None given. Although we know why she
was fired...sheer jealousy
      The board made a mistake in thinking that the
silent majority as only magazine subscribers not
members. A costly mistake indeed. 
      Our ex editor has started an Oliver publication
of her own, OLIVER HERITAGE. Within a few short months
and without any written advertisement, only "word of
mouth", She has gotten over 700 subscribers.  Just in
case anybody in the Atis world collects Oliver,
Cockshutt, Minnie Moe..etc. It is a great magazine.
        So with Sherry's magazine as an example. I
believe there is room for a second club. We need a
club that is more member/ people oriented. Not a club
where a clique rules all/ controls all. Yes, HPOCA
will continue existing in some form or another...we
will let that clique have it.
       Believe me it hurts to say this...Well maybe
not as bad now as it did back in November. But out of
6800+- members. I am #747. I was there near the
beginning and have made a lot of friendships through
the years of being in that club.  
      Strange how a few can ruin so much, so fast.

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