[AT] Transmission/Differential Fluid

Gilbert Schwartz gschwartz1 at mchsi.com
Thu Apr 15 20:31:53 PDT 2004

Dudley; Others may disagree or have better ideas but I think that what
you're going to do with the tractor has a lot to with what kind of lubricant
you use in the drive line. We've always went by the thought that "if you're
dealing with hydraulics, use something thin and non foaming". If you're not
dealing with hydraulics use heavier gear oil. Last but not least, if you're
going to do 18 hour days under heavy loads, do it like the book says, and
check it often if you have ANY kind of leaks. You won't go much wrong doing
it like that, at least we've never chewed up a drive line. Gil
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dudley Rupert" <drupert at premier1.net>
To: "Antique tractor email discussion group" <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Thursday, April 15, 2004 7:19 PM
Subject: [AT] Transmission/Differential Fluid

> I seem to recall - it has probably been a couple of years ago now - a
> on transmission fluid versus gear lube in the transmission/differential of
> older tractors.  While I know the manuals generally call for 80-90 wt gear
> lube I seem to recall that some/several on the list indicated that they
> using automatic transmission fluid instead.  A couple of weeks ago I
> the back end of a Farmall M - it definitely had thin, red looking fluid in
> it.  I am now ready to refill and am thinking of using transmission fluid
> instead of gear lube.  While I have drained six or seven tractors before I
> have never yet refilled with transmission fluid.  So, I am curious - the
> last time any of you refilled the back end of an old tractor (I have a
> so know Ferguson's need a special/unique oil), did you use transmission
> fluid (and if so what kind) or did you use gear lube?  I don't recall but
> does anyone remember any drawbacks being noted from using transmission
> fluid?
> Thanks -
> Dudley
> Snohomish, Washington
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