[AT] Holiday Charity Auction Results

Spencer Yost yostsw at atis.net
Fri Apr 23 09:18:05 PDT 2004

First, thanks again to everyone for your participation in last year's auctions!   Once again good folks across the country and across the world will be helped.

While there have been some shipping problems that are just now resolving themselves and there are still some people that have not paid, we just can't let this keep dragging on.   Therefore I am declaring that the ATIS/OldIronAuciton 2003 Holiday Charity Auction payment period is now closed.  It's time to help out some charities.

Please nominate three charities by emailing Jessica at oldironauction.com.    She will keep a tally of the nominations/votes and in about 10 - 14 days we'll finalize the vote by posting a summation of the voting and comments.  We'll take some last comments on this final list.  On this final list we usually will highlight some interesting and deserving charities that were nominated that might not have received enough votes because the charity is new or very small and relatively unknown.   This gives the smaller charities a chance to be heard by the whole group so don't be afraid to nominate smaller or local charities.  We try to make sure these nominations see the light of day if at all possible.   After this discussion and if there are no serious, substantiated objections, we'll move forward with the check writing.

Typically, in the past, the volunteers that run the auction has the privilege of naming one of the recipient to receive 10% of the proceeds.  Occasionally over the years I have waived this privilege.  This year, I am going to use this privilege to name two that will share the 10%:

1 - 5% - Scott Satturlund Memorial Fund (this is an American Cancer Society fund established when Scott of Binder's books, a great IH fan, died approximately 18 months ago)

2 - 5% My church's Youth Group Mission Trip fund.  Our church, Brookstown, United Methodist Church raises fund to make the trip more affordable for all the teenagers in the group plus gives mission trip "scholarships" for the deserving and those whose families are having trouble affording sending their teenagers on the trip.  On this trip teenagers rebuild/repair homes for people pre-screened by the church (or other similar religous organization) as a deserving family in dire need of help.   The two times I went we always helped elderly people that just can't afford to repair the roof, paint the house, etc.   Giving this kids a chance to work hard and help people makes a pretty big difference in their lives.

I also would like to nominate that 10% of the proceeds go to Dave Rotigel's choice of charities.   Dave has been a tireless supporter of the Charity auctions - especially the summer auction and I would like to reward/honor his efforts with the privilege of naming one charity.

Regardles, - we need some ideas.  Feel free to vote on your favorite 2 or 3 charities.


Spencer Yost

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