[AT] You know you have too many toys (tractors) when....

Michael P. Maynard mmaynard at rochester.rr.com
Tue Apr 6 18:35:52 PDT 2004

You forget about one!!!!  I have been making a mess of my yard backing
my deuce down the hill, trying to get my firewood to the back of the
house.  I was sitting here pondering how to avoid the mess, and not kill
myself with the wheelbarrow when it hit me... I have my Farmall
A!!!!!!!!!!!  doh!!  It has been sitting in dads field behind his house
with a dead starter for almost a year.  I suppose I really should go up
there and grab the starter so I can rebuild it don't ya think?  Of
course Jean thinks I have lost my mind, and I should not be allowed to
have anymore toys.  Interestingly enough I had thought I was too young
for CRS being just shy of 28, but apparently I was wrong. :-)

Anyone else forget they have a tractor?  A running one at that?


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